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2011 / NO.2
2011 / NO.2
Football Youth Academy Fun Day

In order that parents understand more about their children’s learning process and the school’s regular trainings as well as its operation, the Macao Football Youth Academy, jointly organized with the Macao Sport Development Board and the Macao Football Association, sponsored by the Macao Jockey Club, held a fun day at Miniature Football Field (Multi-purpose zone) of the Macao Olympic Centre on 15th May. The event attracted around 400 parents and youths to participate.

On the day, the students of the Football Youth Academy competed in groups according to their age, demonstrating the skills they learnt at the academy as well as to share their joy with their parents. Besides this, the organizers also held a special get-together football match involving the parents, students, and football coaches. The spectators watched on with excitement, supporting the teams with loud cheers and applause, creating a jovial and lively scene.