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2018 / NO.4
2018 / NO.4
Unhealthy Post-workout Practices

Physical exercise has become increasingly common, but there is no lack of individuals who, when they have become sweaty after strenuous physical exercise, gulp down drinks including beer and soft drinks which contain a high sugar content. They may also have a cold shower to cool down. However, are these healthy post-workout practices?

When people consume soft drinks in great amount after doing exercise, they may gradually absorb sugar in a greater amount than that contained in a bowl of rice. The excessive absorption of sugar will slow down the digestive function of a human body and can easily lead to dehydration. Thus, effective hydration is inhibited. In addition, soft drinks contain carbonic acid, which increases the chance of osteoporosis. As a great amount of carbon dioxide enters the stomach, gastric acid reflux will become more likely to happen. 

The muscular tightness and vasodilation may cause insufficient blood supply to other organs. In particular, they affect the blood supply to the heart and brain. Therefore, taking a shower immediately after doing exercise is not advisable, no matter whether it is a cold shower or hot shower, so as to avoid increasing the difficulty in blood supply to the heart, brain tissues and other internal organs, which can easily lead to symptoms such as dizziness. For the young and middle-aged people who are usually healthy, this may not constitute huge impacts, but for the elderly or those suffering from physical deficiency, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, this may constitute potential deadly accidents. In addition, bathing has a higher risk than taking a shower. 

On the other hand, the ability to absorb substances peaks after physical exercise. Therefore, alcoholic consumption is not suggested because alcohol will circulate in the body through exuberant blood flow and make it easier for people to get drunk. Moreover, as alcoholic drinks contain high calories, alcohol that is drunk after physical exercise may replenish the calories burnt during exercise, making the desired efforts of exercise unproductive. 

After exercise, we should first take rest and supplement water, electrolytes, calories and proteins moderately. Research shows that 1 to 1.5 hours after strenuous exercise, the glycogen in muscles demonstrates a higher synthesis rate, so supplementing nutrition after exercise can help repair muscles effectively. In addition, eating food abundant with carbohydrates can result in a medium-to-high glycemic index, which contributes to muscle glycogen synthesis. The carbohydrates consumed at that time is less likely to be transformed to fat and stored, and thus it is the best choice for those who have finished doing exercise. When we have been relaxed completely, we should wipe off our sweat. We should take a warm shower only after our bodies have cooled down considerably. The time spent in the shower should not be too long. 

The disregard of healthy post-workout practices may be detrimental to our health.