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2018 / NO.2
2018 / NO.2
Exercise Strategies for the Elders

The elders need to do exercise moderately, but they must do so according to their actual conditions. First of all, the elders need to understand their physical conditions. It is the best to consult a doctor for thorough examinations, so as to know whether they have occult chronic diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, osteoporosis, and arthritis. They can choose to do exercise that is suitable for them, only when it has been proven in the medical examinations that their physical conditions allow.

Exercise for the elders should be mainly health preservation exercise like Tai Chi, yoga, row dance, etc. The elders are particularly encouraged to participate in team exercise. Team exercise not only brings about physical benefits to the elders, but it can also help them to be adapted to the psychological difference due to their withdrawal from social roles. If the elders are lack of exercising for a long time, they should increase the intensity of exercising in a step-by-step manner. They should not do exercise as intensely as they used to do so in the past. Since their cardiopulmonary load capacity must be recovered by exercising gradually.

Aggressive or competitive sports as intense as ball games, may exceed the physical limit that elders can bear. In particular, osteoporosis is very common among female elders. Clear symptoms do not occur during the usual days, but once collision or attrition happen when they do exercise, there is a great chance that fracture or joint damage will be caused. Therefore, it is not very much encouraged that the elders engage in aggressive or competitive sports excessively.

Warm-up and stretching must be done before the exercise, as it can reduce the chance of getting injured. When engaging in exercise, the elders should remember to do so moderately based on their actual conditions. Once conditions such as chest tightness, nausea, palpitations, wheezing or increased local muscle and joint pain occur, they must stop exercising, take a full rest and consult a doctor for detailed examinations, in order to avoid the occurrence of severe acute diseases or causing the aggravation of old illnesses.

As long as they choose their suitable ways of doing exercise, the elders can enjoy the benefits that exercising brings about.