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2013 / NO.4
2013 / NO.4
2013 Fall Cycling Tour

To encourage citizens to actively participate in exercises so as to enrich their leisure life and hence strengthen their bodies, the “2013 Fall Cycling Tour” organized by the Macao Cycling Association and sponsored by the Macao Sport Development Board was held from November 23 to 24. The cycling tour of this year also opened to family participants aiming at providing more opportunities for families to join and promoting harmonious relationships between parents and children.

This cycling tour gathered participants at the plaza of Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park. Passing through Gongbei, the participants arrived at the Pine Mountains Lake of Dongguan and the green bicycle routes of the Dafu Shan Forest Park of Panyu for riding. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery of magnificent mountains, streams of water and shades of green trees during their journey. Looking at the blue rippling Pine Mountains Lake, the cyclists felt relaxed and refreshed. The total distance of this tour is 45 km.

Cycling tour is a popular activity among citizens. In 2013, the New Year’s Cycling Tour, the Spring Cycling Tour, the Summer Ecological Cycling Tour, etc. were held. They provided a platform for participants to not only savour the beauty of lakes and mountains, but also strengthen their bodies while taking delight in the fabulous natural scenery.