Service for Non Sport Easy members:

  1. Enquiries about opening hours of venues
  2. Enquiries about reservation schedule of venues
  3. Checking on current availability of venues
  4. Bookings of venues and facilities
  5. Enquiries about reserved venues and transaction information
  6. Updates on personal contact information
  7. Change of personal password

Service for Non Sport Easy members:

  1. Enquiries about opening hours of venues
  2. Enquiries about reservation schedule of venues
  3. Instant information of on-the-spot swimming ticket
  4. online on-the-spot swimming ticketing service

Terms of Use

Mong-Ha Sports Centre
Centro Desportivo Mong-Há Regulamento sobre a compra de bilhetes
Swimming Pool
Regulamento sobre a compra de bilhetes nas piscinas geridas pelo Instituto do Desporto
Other venues and facilities
Individual booking procedure

Booking reallocation procedure for online application

  1. Refund applicable only when venues cannot be used due to natural disasters or problems arising from venues.
  2. Booking reallocation is applicable only when venues cannot be used due to inclement weather or problems arising from venues. Counting from the following day, application must be made  within the next 5 days.
  3. Please send email to, stating with the membership card number, the member’s name, the venue name and the court number, date, time and reason for suspension of use, specifying "the reason for the suspension of the use and reallocation of sporting facilities" in the subject line.
  4. Sports Bureau will inform the member about the result through e-mail address registered by the member within 10 working days after receive of the application.
  5. If the application is granted, the member can rebook other venues of the same sport activity of the same cost within 60 days.