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2019 / NO.2
2019 / NO.2
The Macau Sports Press Association Engaged in Observation and Exchange in Jiangxi Province

The Macau Sports Press Association, led by President Ma Iao Hang and accompanying guest Pun Weng Kun, President of the Sports Bureau, visited Nanchang City of Jiangxi Province for observation. During the visit, the delegation visited the Sports Bureau of Jiangxi Province, warmly welcomed by President Yan Ju Teng and Vice President Li Xiao Ping. Both sides engaged in an exchange forum. During the forum, the possibility for mutual collaboration and development in areas such as sports for all, competitive sports and sports industries were discussed. In addition, the delegation also visited the facilities such as the Olympic Sports Centre, Water Sports Management Center and Yu Gang International Karting Club.

This was the first time that the Macau Sports Press Association visited Jiangxi. President Ma Iao Hang stated that the Macau Sports Press Association would organize its members to visit and interact with mainland to facilitate the cooperation between Macao and mainland in the sports area, introduce the overall situation of Macao's sports development, and learn from the experience of various provinces and cities in terms of their development. The delegation also learned that Jiangxi had developed greatly in areas such as sports for all and competitive sports, especially in industry-related sports and sports tourism, which is more inspiring for Macao. 

President Pun Weng Kun stated that through visiting the sports facilities in Jiangxi together with Macao sports media personnel, they could understand the situation of how sports are developed locally and the hardship that the athletes had gone through. They also learned about how residents engaged in daily exercise and the conditions of athletic training. He expected that throughout the trip, the communication between the sports authorities of Macao and Jiangxi Province could be facilitated. The mutual exchange and interaction of athletes between the two places could also be promoted. Meanwhile, they would also investigate the possibility of inviting Jiangxi athletic team to Macao to engage in exchange and training with Macao's athletes to enhance the athletic competence of the two places and broaden the athletes' horizon.