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2016 / NO.2
2016 / NO.2
Principles of rehabilitation exercises for chronic sports injuries

There is a common saying within sports teams— “Exercise cures chronic injuries; Treatment cures acute injuries”. This means that the treatment of acute sports injuries depends on doctors and medicines while chronic injuries require exercises with a high degree of scientific training. And the scientific training for chronic sports injuries means arranging exercises based on the severity of the symptoms, post-traumatic pathologies, personal injury recovery characteristics with clinical assessment and technical requirements of the training programme.

The implementation of the rehabilitation exercises should be executed with the collaboration of three parties: a doctor who proposes the principles of the treatment, a trainer or therapist, who draws up an exercise plan, and the athlete, who carries it out. Injury checks should be conducted weekly during the rehabilitation process which should be then adjusted according to the athletic ability of the athlete.

The arrangement of training content should follow the points below:

1. Improper movements should be corrected. Lots of chronic sports injuries which require from a delayed recovery are closely related to the incorrect actions performed during regular training; 2. The technical movements should be changed and a compensational function practice developed. Based on the athlete's injury, the training routine for him or her should be adjusted and the peripheral strength training increased, so as to relieve the pain caused by the force on the injured part; 3. Reinforce the muscle strength training of the injured part, in order to achieve joint stability and develop functional compensation; 4. Arrange training designed to remove adhesion and improve partial blood circulation; 5. Carry out training to improve joint mobility; 6. Carry out muscle strength coordination training. The coordination of the muscle strength imbalance in the agonist and antagonist muscles will reduce the tendency towards muscle injury; 7. Correct deformities in the training. Athletes who practice shooting, archery and other similar sports are prone to suffering from nonstructural scoliosis due to the overuse of one body part over a long period. Frequent backaches might affect the advancement of training and performance. The correcting practices should be formulated for the rehabilitation of scoliosis according to the programme items and the direction the spinal column pulls in.