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2013 / NO.2
2013 / NO.2
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sports Committee Meeting 2013

According to the “Voter Registration Legislation”, the recognition of a legal person is valid for five years. In other words, legal persons who were recognized before October 15th, 2008 will have their recognition expired on October 15th this year. Therefore the renewal application must be submitted by the legal person within 150 to 90 days before the recognition expires. If no renewal application is submitted within the said period, the recognition shall lose effect once it expires, which will also lead to the cancellation of voter registration.

The Sports Committee therefore convened the 2nd, 3rd and 4th special meetings respectively on May 23rd, June 6th and 20th so as to examine and adopt the renewal application for the 155 sports legal persons.