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2012 / NO.4
2012 / NO.4
Signing of Cooperation Agreement between Macao Sport Development Board and Various Associations for Sport for All Development

On December 12 at the Olympic Sport Center Stadium, the Macao Sport Development Board signed the “Sport for All Cooperation Agreement” with the General Union of Neighbourhood Associations of Macao, the Macao Federation of Trade Unions and the Women’s General Association of Macao to work together on the development of Sport for All. The cooperation would be composed of funded self-organization of Sport for All activities, joint organization of Sport for All activities, fitness courses and so on. Guests attending the signing ceremony included Mr. Cheong U, the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture.

The Macao Sport Development Board has always been dedicated to promoting Sport for All, providing a varities of sporting activities, creating sound sports ambience and encouraging the public to foster a regular exercise habit, so as to achieve a healthy life style of “life-long participation in sports”.  Mr. Vong Iao Lek, the President of the Macao Sport Development Board, said in his speech that since the cooperation agreement was signed with the three associations in 2010, a satisfactory outcome of joint development of local Sport for All activities has been achieved. On the basis of such a desirable result, the authorities keep the intimate collaboration going this year to implement and create a greater number of sporting activities projects which cater to the public’s needs. One of them includes sizing up the scale of the Sport for All fitness courses to more than 260 classes and over 6900 numbers of participants allowed. Also, in order to improve health for the elderly and foster the youth’s interest in sports and enhance their physical fitness, as well as enable the public to enjoy the nature while exercising, the Macao Sport Development Board will organize a number of Sport for All fitness courses, bike tours, various ball games and hiking targeted at the youth and the elderly, so that it can provide more actvity space and opportunities to exericse for people from all walks of life. Several other elements will also be injected into the development of Sport for All to create more Sport for All activities from which a wider range of people will benefit. 

Guests attending the cooperation agreement signing ceremony included the Director of General Union of Neighbourhood Associations of Macao, Mr. Io Hong Meng, the Chairman of Macao Federation of Trade Unions, Mr. Cheang Chung Shek, , the Vice Presidents of the Macao Sport Development Board, Mr. José Tavares and Mr. Pun Weng Kun, the representative of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. U Hon Sang, members of the Sports Committee and representatives of various sports associations of Macao.